Hello to reader! This is my lair, the land of my creativeness (My depicted of Dinosaucers and Extreme Dinosaurs, the what-if? Tanya is the pterosaur written by me, etc.).

I'm sysop of Dinosaucers Wiki.

I'm founder of Pterosaurs in media!

I'm co-founder of TLBTPteranoFan on DeviantArt.

What do I use with?

For the drawing...

  • SAI: Stand for Paint Tool Sai (Version of 1, now use version of 2)

    I been used Paint Tool Sai ver. 1 (Which is the crack, mind you...) ever since I was 7 years old, I been exposed to Paint Tool Sai when I watched YouTubers' speedpaint vide and I noticed how they're use Paint Tool Sai for drawing. At my 11 years old, I stopped use Paint Tool Sai when I try use the different drawing software, and at 13 years old the moment I pirated Clip Studio Paint. I thought I done with Paint Tool Sai...

    Until to 2024, I look bawck to Paint Tool Sai, I realized how lightweight Paint Tool Sai indeed. Easy to understanding, simplicity UI, and actual require to get better at art. I guess I was blind to Paint Tool Sai due to the limit of custom brush.

  • Clip Sudio Paint Was for drawing because of how professional use CLip Studio Paint and too many unlimited of custom brushes, now for texture and filters.

For the writing...

Hard to say, but it really depend on it...
  • Grammarly